Publication design + illustration for a nursery rhyme book.


March 2020


1 weeks


Visual Design, Illustration


Illustration, Photoshop

Project Description

This project requires us to explore expressive typography and shapes, by using the connections between meanings with graphic elements. The goal of this project is to create visual equivalents to best express each part of the nursery rhyme One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

1 / 13

2 / 13

3 / 13

4 / 13

5 / 13

6 / 13

7 / 13

8 / 13

9 / 13

10 / 13

11 / 13

12 / 13

13 / 13


This project allows me to explore expressive typography and shapes, by using the connections between meanings with graphic elements. While brainstorming ideas, I tried to put myself in a child’s view and thought “what might attract children to read the book?” To implement the playful characteristic of the nursery rhyme, I was able to deliver the art direction with the combination of abstract illustrations, the contrasting red colour and a sense of motion consistently throughout the whole book.